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Listing Id: 34339 Last Refreshed: 27/11/2024 Total Views: 433

Selling Your Childcare/Kindergarten/Tuition Business? We Can Help!

Central AreaChildcare and Kindergarten
Asking Price: Price On Request
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
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  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A
  • Monthly Rental N/A
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker

Reason For Sale

Looking to exit your education business? Contact us


10 Reasons To Choose

1. We are a specialized education brokerage firm in Singapore that has been around since 2014.
2. Successfully transacted over 50 education deals with over $50m transaction volume till date.
3. Wide network of sellers and buyers and we know the intricacies that goes behind a smooth transition between parties.
4. All discussions are kept strictly P&C, and clients all sign NDAs with us.
5. We DO NOT take commissions from buyers unlike some brokers, and we also work with other brokers with clients (and split commissions with them) to ensure ALL offers get presented to you.
6. Zero upfront payment, 100% success fee basis. We work for free till we meet or exceed your expectations.
7. We pride ourselves on our fast response time, and 100% transparency with all our clients.
8. Familiar with ECDA policy, market trends and on good terms with many of the biggest operators around.
9. If you're in the education sector, why engage a generic broker that doesn't specialize and speak your lingo? Engage someone who has been deep in the trenches in the education sector and let us do all the heavy lifting.
10. Bilingual, friendly, efficient, and above all, humble :)

What we do?

Our services ranges from helping sellers to exit at the best price, helping buyers to find a centre that suits their requirements, and assisting in all the viewing arrangements, negotiation, legal paperwork and transition process.

Call/Whatsapp Ben at 98807751, and experience the EduGrow experience.

Visit for details.

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