
Post Ad
Listing Id: 35892 Last Refreshed: 08/03/2025 Total Views: 5 Broker Ref: 23611

Freehold & Business, Hardware & Garden centre.

VictoriaHardware Stores
Asking Price: $595,000
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A
  • Monthly Rental N/A
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role N/A
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker

Reason For Sale



Exceptional " Return on Investment ", owning the freehold and operating your business in this beautiful, seaside & country town.
A great place to live, peaceful surroundings and very friendly customers are a constant in Loch Sport.
Very generous Vendors terms available to incoming purchasers and everything negotiable on the hand over for a smooth transition.
$250,000 + stock gets you in for the acquisition of this very busy Freehold and Business.
To work and live in the beautiful coastal town of Loch Sport is a dream for many people.
To have the opportunity to purchase the freehold and business, as an long term asset does not present itself very often.
The town and all the surroundings keep developing and keeps this business very busy.
This hardware store and garden supply centre offers both the business and freehold on a large 1440 M2 property.
The General hardware store has a great showroom for the display of a very large range of products for their very loyal clientele.
Inside is also a admin office, plus a big area for storage space.
The current Husband and Wife team have been the owner/operators of this business for the past 11 years and have been very successful.
The opportunity is now yours. Own the freehold, make a great income and love where you work.
There is no opposition in Loch Sport.
There are 2 areas of business, 1: the extensive hardware store and 2: the garden centre.
On the garden supply side, there are many choices for customers who can pick up their purchase, or have it home delivered.
Clientele are the locals and very friendly permanents, retirees, huge amount of holiday homes / units and weekenders and tourists.
Lochsport has a shopping strip with a Supermarket, Post Office, a Chemist and many more retail/food shops.
This is a great Sea Change, getting away from the busy cities and wind down in the good country life.
The current owners will stay on, and offer training and a smooth handover to any new incoming purchasers.
Freehold and Business is $595,000 - (plus stock) - on Vendors terms.
Vendors have asked for pre-arranged appointments, and no walk-ins please.
Finance available to approved purchasers and all financial records available for Due Diligence, after a formal inspection.
For more information quote BSV 0964, and call Michael on 0400 645 133 NOW !!! - or submit an ENQUIRY.
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